Dear Hugo,

This 3rd dimension we’re ‘in’ Is that like the serie Sliders? Or is it a level of development of humanity. I’m reading a lot on reincarnation and the evolution of souls lately and in a lot of these pages this 3rd dimension is mentioned.  So I visited your website and read everything twice then mailed the page to my mom so that we could discuss it. ;)

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,



Dear J.,

Well prepared and eager to share I see... ;-)
I don't know Sliders so I'll pass on that one. Glad someone is enjoying my website! Wow, really happy with that!
Yes, it is a level of development, of re-awakening.
Let's say you just dropped out of a spaceship and I have to tell you about our game we play here for it is "only a game". You can get caught up in it pretty bad though...
Some people take it dead seriously because they have forgotten (part of the game this forgetting is... Yoda) about everything else but this illusion. They tend to Clingon.
There is this other basic thing called vibration. Raise your vibration and you gain a star and can enter, or re-enter would be more appropriate, another door, room, dimension, plane of experience, whatever you like to call it, like Mario (Nintendo). So if people talk about 3D here they are basically trying to make sense of their lost idea of how this illusionary game called the Earth Experience has been put together. To continue the analogy of Mario, they've gained three stars and are looking around. You also know that when you play a game like Super Mario you struggle through the first levels and then sky-rocket through to 70 stars and Bowser third level...
Recapping: 3rd dimension is a way to describe a level in the illusionary game. Like: hey, this is a tree. Just a phrase.
The trick: there has never been just and only what they call 3D (lenghth, width, depth basically).
There is time, consciousness, love, e-motions, ... Duality was a figment of our imagination.

Revelation: we are passed the process of squirming our asses out of the lower vibrational level of 3D and are arived at 5D. As a collective average that is.
Some choose the security of the 3D shoe-box, which is OK for them. Some are pulling the chariot and are consciously in 9D.
On the vibrational scale that would read something like: ego, love, compassion. Separation does not exist.
We are all drops in the ocean of being.

You're welcome!



Dear Hugo,

First of all thank you so much for your time! You made at least one person happy today! ;)
One more question, is there anyway to figure out in what level someone is? If there’s a way to tell the global level then there should be a way to estimate in what level an individual is? For all I know I could be hangin’ around in a sub-level.  Although I know some really stupid people that could actually fit right in. LOL

No seriously, if you know were you are you can figure out how to develop yourself further. Right? And isn’t that the point to become the most you can be, in all aspects in life?

Best regards,



Ever thought of becoming a manager? You know how to ask the right questions and how to keep a guy motivated, for now... 8-p

Hiya J!

You don't have to know were you are to be able to develop further. The common sense still is you need to add something to your self in order to grow.
You know where plants grow best? In a natural environment with as little "I know it all" interference as possible.
Your genes are perfect, OK, a little meddled with by ET's. You can do very well without more fertiliser and trimming.
Get rid of the shit. Dump the stuff you don't need, especially the "yes, but's". Don't buy what the TV tells you. Fuck the queen, you get the idea...
Be the stupid unadapted pain in the ass (sorry mom!). Who know's, maybe you're the one who is going to save their asses. What you learn at school is designed for you to become a good little slave and to feed the boss of the boss of the fancy suit of the ING-bank. Competition is for dumbo's. So is war.
Gods Creation has gifted you with plenty of nice things. Be aware of the programming, get rid of what you don't need to carry around and you can short-circuit every course there is on the planet. Wasn't Osho and his plastic gloves hilarious? He did us a vavour.
Look within, reconnect with and through your heart and allow your Self to be.

There goes "one more question" LOL!
You can't be hanging in a sub-level for you are in a nice Maladivian resort (someone fucked it up pretty good) loitering about inbetween some very surprised fish. There are at least 20 more of you's floating about, you are just caught up in your presence so you don´t notice. And you ask me how deep you are, swimming. 4.259756 Metres in your "now" in the particular time-line you're aware of. Uuhhh? Yup!
Allrighty, you need something more practical to get your bearing.

`By the fruit you will recognise your neighbour to be as your self` the Big Guy said, or something like that. ;-)  
And his wife sat next to him radiating the all-knowing wisdom of time-lessness. That´s a different story. If you want to seperate that is...
Every ones fruit has been whipped down to a shrivle by now, so I´ll take an extra step and challenge you to look at `intention`, the motivation (mostly auto-motive) that drives the action that could lead to the fruit, or not. Devious grin!

Remember I said something about the sequence ego, love and compassion? Good!
Try this for comparison: a babies development.
At first it Is the All. Look into it´s eyes. That disappears in a couple of days. Bugger.
Then it only is aware of burning shit in the pants, an empty stomage, lack of attention, you name it. 1D.
Then it gets aware of stuff that it can grab, or not. Same result: trouble and wet things. 2D.
Then it gets aware of the Concept of Manipulation. `If I cry irritating enough that big thing comes and makes nice noises.` 3D.
`Ok, that has had it´s time, now I really need to put in the effort, or get someone else to do it, to get my stuff done.` 4D.
`Yo, the dude in the suit that comes to cut the meat every saturday is actually quite nice. I think I like him. Smile!` 5D.
`Look what I did! I made mommy fall flat on her teeth because I wasn´t paying attention. It shall not happen again.` 9D.
That sort of paints the general idea.
Anyone that is motivated by gain, and that only applies in a competitive environment, is mainly in 3D.
Those that can make time for you despite their shedule and really listen are capable of 5D.
Those that can continue to listen and be Love no matter what tricks you pull on them are getting the hang of 9D. I am not sure if this level can accurately be defined, so you might want to meditate on this one a bit. `Ask and it shall be given.` And by Jove it works! try it! Don´t hesitate to go for the max.

I´d like to shove some people into a secluded sub-level sometimes, believe you me!
Stubborn pricks! Try 70+ to be flexible. They´ll jump right back into safety like tied to a bungy-wire.
Ah, well... life is but a dream, right? I AM sometimes tempted to abandon the gentle rowing, I can tell you!

No worries, you´re fine!

With Love,
