Filling yourself with love meditation, extended version

The first meditation was a general one. For a daily basis that one is sufficient, except when you have troubles to overcome, you are facing disease, loss of loved ones and all the stuff that gets you out of your center and can?t be fixed with the first meditation. Some extra work is needed. So here we go.

Count your breath like in the inner heart meditation. Say:
One: with this breath I connect myself with myself, my body, so that I may be aware of my body. Body, thank you for being.
Two: with this breath I connect myself at my inside with my emotional body.
Emotional body thank you for being..
Three: with this breath I connect myself at my inside with my spiritual body.
Spiritual body thank you for being.
Four: with this breath I connect myself at my inside with my Higher Self.
Higher Self thank you for being.
Five: with this breath I connect myself at my inside with my Soul.
My Soul, thank you for being.
Six: with this breath I connect myself at my inside with the God in me.
Me myself as God thank you for being.
I like to be at the deepest level of connection available for me at this moment, with the next breath,
seven. And so I am.

Now you are at the perfect right spot, connected with everything inside yourself. Feel how this feels. Feel how it sustains who you think you are, and feel how it feels to be what makes this all possible.
Feel the love available for you. Feel where the love for you resides. Feel where the love is lacking.

Breath in the love through your whole being, breath in and expand it in your image, like a well that is overflowing with water. See the love flowing from one level to the other, until all is filled with love. If there is any resistance, feel it and see how love is surrounding it, see the resistance melting or fading just what feels right for you, until it is gone and the place where it was before is filled with love.

Here we go a level deeper in healing your being:
Say: I see fear, disease is holding me back for accepting this love. I like to see, feel, know what is holding me back for accepting this love on this particular place (or mention the place where you feel the resistance is). Listen carefully for the answer. The answer can come in colors, in rays, in feelings, images, a song, a memory, an aching, what ever comes, how it comes, it doesn?t matter,

Please tell me, as I am listening right now what it is you need so you can accept this love, I am offering myself. Listen again very carefully to the answer. Know also that attention is enough most of the time, for re-living a pain isn?t necessary anymore. Just acknowledging is mostly enough in the beginning.

Give what is asked for.

Next to it, ask if it will accept a total cleaning till the level of your DNA. When it accepts it, say or think the following words:
I ask assistance of my whole being, all the healing powers available to me and in me. Please clean this part of my being, of my (mention the level of where you found the fear, the resistance, the disease) and all the levels above it till my daily life level, so everything is cleaned, fresh, renewed to the core of my being.

Take time and trust to see it happen.

Thank you, healing powers for your assistance.

Next you go again to the spot you are giving attention to. Ask if there is something that is needed (a color, a sound, a ray, a sparkle, attention, a song, an exercise, and do it, depending on if it is possible right now, or after the meditation (like an exercise, a song of a CD-album, or reading a book).

Ask if the spot is really satisfied with the course of action or if it needs another round of attention just like the one you already did. Ask if it will accept the love energy you were giving to the rest of your being. If the answer is no, just do the asking and cleaning again. If the answer is yes, just do it and start with the rest of the meditation just as mentioned below. Make sure you see the melting part happening. Then you know for sure that everything is okay with the spot you gave extra attention to and healing with love energy.

See how the water of life, the love, take the right colors what is needed at the right spot in your being, on all the mentioned levels and all the levels of you, I didn?t mentioned in the breath counting. See what kind of color it is, where, notice it, see the perfection of the process. See that you can trust yourself to do what is good for you.

See you being filled with rainbow-colors or perfect white light or spots and sparkles of different light, see it and enjoy it. See it overflowing so you are surrounded by your very own love energy. See how this is and enjoy it, for you are well loved and protected by this love light coming from the inside of your being.

When you are completely filled with love, you are surrounded with love, you may ask for a message, a thought during the day, a reminder of whatever message you will receive from this light. Listen. The answer can come in different ways than you might expect, not only during the meditation but also during the day following this meditation.

Say for yourself audible to hear:
- This light coming from the highest love possible in my life fills me totally, because I wish it to be.
- This light coming from the highest love possible in my life has healing power, I heal myself.
- This light coming from the highest love possible in my life gives access to wisdom, whenever I need it.
- This light coming from the highest love possible in my life will guide me to my own mastery of being, here in the now of my daily life.
- I connect myself with this energy as a daily flow in my life for the next ??. Hours.
- Thank you.

When you feel you have finished everything you wish with this love, you are well surrounded, well connected with this love energy, you may start to count back or start another meditation.

Don?t forget to say: thank you, in gratitude, in reverence, in respect to the whole of your being for helping you, assisting you and being you.

I thank love, I am love, I take love with me to my daily life to gain and expand understanding, wisdom and love throughout my day and night.

Seven: I am at the deepest level of connection available for me at this moment, with the next breath.
Six: with this breath I connect myself at my inside with the God in me.
Me myself as God thank you for being.
Five: with this breath I connect myself at my inside with my Soul.
My Soul, thank you for being.
Four: with this breath I connect myself at my inside with my Higher Self.
Higher Self thank you for being.
Three: with this breath I connect myself at my inside with my spiritual body.
Spiritual body, thank you for being.
Two: with this breath I connect myself at my inside with my emotional body.
Emotional body thank you for being..
One: with this breath I connect myself at my inside with myself, my body, so that I may be aware of my body. Body, thank you for being.,
With this next breath I connect myself with the existence I use for daily life, I am back in the now, in my body, in my daily awareness.

The next you will recognize also:
Just take a few minutes to say hello to yourself, your body, and to get used to being back again.
If you come back too quickly to yourself, without the few minutes rest, you will probably get a smash back for not being integrated. A headache could be the result of this.

End this meditation with:
"Hello world, hello daily life, thank you for being so I can be what I am, learn what I like to learn, experience what I like to experience, and be the God I am. You are a gift for me, and I am a gift to you. So I bless you and the whole day, may our encounter be a blessed one for all."

"I thank me for being me, being the God I can be today"

Okay, you are right back now. if you have promised a certain spot in your being to do something, don?t forget to do it. Do the exercise, read the book, do it as many times as it feels appropriate or needed, change habits when needed, change life-style when needed. Don?t take promises lightly when you are dealing with fear, diseases at your inside. Trust of your being can?t be underestimated, so be careful that you keep the promise. Your life, body, being at your inside is a very delicate mechanism, it can stand a time of abuse, but after a while you will harvest what you have sowed in your life. Conscious living and dealing with energies can make it possible to reduce or overcome these effects, the techniques are available in the East (like India), it only will take a lot of effort. May-be you like to spend your life differently?

Anyhow, here we have another basis for building the next meditation upon.

End of meditation, end of channeling.