Master-class 3

Going within


Dear all,

Again it is time for another master-class meditation.


We went above, we went below and now we will go within.

Just see to it that you did all your preparations for the master-classes. As you know by now, eating meat isn’t advised for you are eating another part of God, and you don’t eat yourself don’t you? Anyhow, just prepare, switch of the telephone, be sure that the children don’t interrupt you etc.

Take up a breath pattern you feel comfortable with. Inhale, exhale while you see, so above, so below, so within. Do this for approximately 5 to 10 minutes. After this, go to your inner heart chamber. You should by now be familiar with the procedure, so I won’t repeat it.

In your heart visualize a cell in your body, or ask a cell in your body to be seen by you, or to be felt by you, or heard by you. Look at it, hear it, see it, examine it so you will recognize it’s structures, the music it makes, the light it gives, what kind of pattern it has for exchanging information, for exchanging building materials and waste, for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide. See, feel, hear it and see if you have a feeling of love, protection that wells up in your being. If so, you are ready for the next step. If not, just come along another time for more seeing, feeling, and hearing of your cells. For the time isn’t ready for you for the next step and forcing yourself isn’t right in this stage. It will only harm you and tell you in bigger neon letters that you don’t love yourself. So if not, go to the other meditations and start to make a serious effort to love and honor yourself.

With this feeling of love, appreciation, protection, ask if your awareness may be part of the cell, at the inside. See how you are sucked into the cell, taken along in the cell with the next transport of oxygen. Cloak yourself with protective light, nourishing and healing, so the immune balance isn’t disrupted with your visit. If you aren’t welcome, ask if another cell is able to be of service to you. Get to know this cell before you ask your question of entering.

While you are in the cell, see that the information, the different thought patterns, the nutricions, the water, the operation mechanism, are operating in harmony with all. See how all interact and are knowing what to do, and feel the governor of this all, the one who gives life to all the cells and to this beauty in particular. Again when love rises in you for the beautiful environment you are in, you are ready for the next step.

Ask a guide, or ask for guidance to the core structure of the cell. If possible be only a small dense part of your awareness and ask if you are welcome to join the structure of the cell, into a very molecule at the core of the cell. See how this molecule is working, acting, working together with the others, the exchange of information, the nutritions coming in and the garbage going out, see the flexibility, see the water, feel the governor of this all. Connect yourself with the governor, ask to be taken to the world behind matter, where only light exists, where only light communicates.

Go past the ladder of DNA (we will go there another time) go deeper and deeper, enter the light of existence, the dark or not ready formed creation and see it all, feel it all, hear it all and be it all. I won’t give you a description of what you can feel, see and experience there. I only say that you are at the very core of your awareness that you are just only this light. This light makes you into a dense being upon a dense planet. You are this. You are both.

If you are ready, go back the normal way of non interference with love, caring, caressing, healing, and say thank you to every part of you who gave you the favor of entering, learning, feeling, hearing, seeing what and how you really are.

The normal precautions have to be taken when you come back. I already gave a lot of rules in the first two master-class channelings, so again, I won’t repeat them.


For the ones who like to do the DNA meditation.

Don’t pass the ladder of DNA, but ask if you are welcome to step upon it. See how your DNA winds itself up and down.

See how they are in real time just like the library of Akashic records, this very DNA collects all that you do, what you think, how you react, what you ate and so on and so on. This is your collective memory of this life, your previous lives who are of influence in this life, the previous lives who are sleeping but with potential for opening up in this life. And it is also a collective memory of your species, what happened with your ancestors millions of years ago. Together, all the DNA of  the world describes what you as a species have learned, have gained. All the diseases, all the hopes, the failures, all the interference with other species of different planets. All is there.

While you see more clearly, you will see that parts of the DNA become invisible for the human eye. You can feel it is there, but it isn’t manifested in your life, yet. These are the points that need to be activated when the 5D, 6D, 9D comes in your range of possibilities as your living environment.

When you are very familiar with your DNA, this will be when you come often, you will see the different colors, you will learn what color depicts what, and you will above all see what the adjustments are so you are ready to live in 5D.

In time when you are really at home in the DNA business, you are able to make adjustments with the help of your God inside you, the guardian angels, the healing angels and your elementals and in this way to speed up your adjustments for the next living environment. This is what some visitors from out of space do when they like to visit your planet with their own body (and not in meditation or light body, Ka-body or how do you call them? Anyhow, doesn’t matter, different names, same thing.)

When you aren’t interested in making adjustments (or not yet, which is a wise decision) you can also go deeper and deeper into the very being of your DNA and enter the light of existence from that perspective, the dark of not ready formed creation, and see it all, feel it all, hear it all and be it all. I won’t give you a description of what you can feel, see, and experience there. I only say that you are at the very core of your awareness, that you are just only this light. This light makes you into a dense being upon a dense planet. You are this. You are both. But the experience from within your cell is different than the experience from within your DNA.

You can see it as a big tower with enormous ceilings, a large number of floors. You are at the same building, but the view of the city from the 10th floor is different then the one from the 20th floor and so on. And every floor has it’s own beauty. The furniture, the paintings, the wallpaper, differs just like the function of every floor differs.

When you are ready go back (just use your guidance and intuition) go back in the normal way of non interference with love, caring, caressing, healing and say thank you to every part of you who gave you the favor of entering, learning, feeling, hearing, seeing what and how you really are.

The normal precautions have to be taken when you come back. I already gave a lot of rules in the first two master-class channelings, so again, I won’t repeat them.



With every master-class meditation, doing it more then once helps you to become the master of your ability to do, feel, experience, see, what the purpose and idea is of this meditation. Practice until you are master of it.

 Treat yourself with love for you are really master over your own destiny.


With love,
